Reviewed Books By Cover Artist - S
Sail Salwowski, Mark Sanchez, Jesse (with Don Pucjey and Jim Burns) Santora, Rob (with Don Puckey) Sautern, Robert Scanlon, Peter Schoenherr, John Sedgwick, Martha E. Seeley, David Selman, Larry Sequin, Ken Shapero, Hannah M. G. Shaw, Barclay Shaw, Barclay (with Don Puckey) Shleinkofer, David Shlesinger/Swanstock, John (with Evan Gaffney and Phototone) Shusei Shutterstock Shutterstock, Lauren Panepinto / Shuttlestock Silberman, Henri (with Lynn Johnson and Joseph Barrak) Smollin, Mark Snow, George Sonar Sormanti, Carla Splash Splash (with Roy Birgo) Stabin, Victor Stawicki, Matt Stawicki, Matt (with Annette Fiore) Stawicki, Matt (with Ray Lundgren) Steadman, Broeck Stephens, John Sternback, Rick Stimpson, Tom Stone, Getty Images Stone, Steve Struthers, Doug Studio, Charles Brook/FaceOut Superstock Sweet, Darrell Sweet, Darrell K.