Reviewed Books By Cover Artist - D
Danisi, Joe Davies, David Design, Carol Russo (with Bob Eggleton) Design, Carol Russo (with Boris Vallejo) Design, Carol Russo (with John Harris) Design, Carol Russo (with The Chopping Block Inc) Design, Corbus/Head Design, Howard Grossman/12E (with Steven Martiniere) Di Fate, Vincent Dillon, Diane (with Leo Dillon and Don Puckey) Dillon, Leo (with Diane Dillon and Don Puckey) Dinnocenzo, Paul (with Uniphoto Inc and Carl D. Galian) Dinyer, Eric Dismukes, John Dixon, Don Dixon, Don (with Don Puckey) Dociu, Daniel Dodd, Luke Donato Donato (with Don Puckey) Dongen, H. R. Van Dorma, Dave Dougen, H. R. Van Douthwaite, Harry Downer, Jane Ducak, Danilo