Reviewed Books By Cover Artist
1079 1971 1974 2009 586-04318-7 Achilleos, Chris Agency, Eddie Jones/RGP Art Akib, Jamil Aldridge, Alan Alexander, Paul Anderson, David Lee Anderson, Richard (with Flaptracks Art) Andrews, Marin Anthony, M. H. apt13 (with Jum Burns) Arena, Dominic Harman / Art, Debut (with Steve Rawlings) Art, Flaptracks (with Richard Anderson) Avon, John Bank, Image Bank, Image (with Steven Hunt) Bank, The Image Barker, Chris Moore / Dennis Barrak, Joseph (with Henri Silberman and Lynn Johnson) Beavers, Sean Becker, Royce M. Bell, Julie Bergendorff, Roger Berkey, John Berry, Ric Bidaut, Jane Birdsong, Keith Birgo, Roy (with Splash) Blackford, John (with Don Puckey) BLACKSHEEP Blacksheep blacksheep-uk.com Blair, Drew Blair, Dru Block, The Chopping (with Inc.) Bober, Richard Bodek, Stuart Bolan, Cassandre Bollinger, Peter Bradbury, Stephen Brams, April (with David Perry) Brautigram, John Breedon, Neil Bridges, Gregory Brown, Chris Brown, Sidonie Bersford Burleson, Joe Burns, Jim Burns, Jim (with Don Pucjey and Jesse Sanchez) Burns, Jim (with Don Puckey) Burns, Jim (with Don Puckey and Carol Russo) Burns, Jum (with apt13) Byrne, Tim camstudio, Science Photo Library / Canty, Tom Cardella, Elaine A. (with Don Puckey) Carr, Richard (with Chris Moore) Castle, Philip Cherterman, Adrian Chesterman, Adrian Chichoni, Oscar Chu, Calvin Cintron, Maelo Clifton-Day, Richard Communications, Drive Communications, Drive (with NY) Company, The Pinpoint Design (with Lee Gibbons) Cooley, Gary Corbis Corporation, 20th Century Fox Film Cory, Paula Cotton, TWBG: Peter (with Getty Images) Craddock, Alan Crisp, Steve Crisp, Steven Cushwa, Tom d'Achille, Gino Danisi, Joe Davies, David Design, Carol Russo (with Bob Eggleton) Design, Carol Russo (with Boris Vallejo) Design, Carol Russo (with John Harris) Design, Carol Russo (with The Chopping Block Inc) Design, Corbus/Head Design, Howard Grossman/12E (with Steven Martiniere) Di Fate, Vincent Dillon, Diane (with Leo Dillon and Don Puckey) Dillon, Leo (with Diane Dillon and Don Puckey) Dinnocenzo, Paul (with Uniphoto Inc and Carl D. Galian) Dinyer, Eric Dismukes, John Dixon, Don Dixon, Don (with Don Puckey) Dociu, Daniel Dodd, Luke Donato Donato (with Don Puckey) Dongen, H. R. Van Dorma, Dave Dougen, H. R. Van Douthwaite, Harry Downer, Jane Ducak, Danilo Eaves, John Edwards, Lee Eggleton, Bob Eggleton, Bob (with Carol Russo Design) Elmore, Larry Elson, Peter Embden, Michael Eshkar, Shelley (with Jan Uretsky) Fangie, Rita (with Fred Gambino) Farren, David Fate, Vincent D. Feibush, Ray Fenster, Diane Fiore, Annette (with Matt Stawicki) Flynn, Danny Foss, Chris Foss, Christopher Frangie, Rita (with Bob Warner) Frangie, rita (with John Garris) Freas, Kelly Freas, Lelly Gaffney, Evan (with John Shlesinger/Swanstock and Phototone) Galian, Carl D. (with Paul Dinnocenzo and Uniphoto Inc) Gallery, The Gallo, David (with Lauren Helpern) Gambino, Fred Gambino, Fred (with Rita Fangie) Garris, John (with rita Frangie) Gaughan, Jack Getty (with Nick Taylor - LBBG) Giancola, Donato Gibbons, Lee Gibbons, Lee (with The Pinpoint Design Company) Gill, Tim Ginghofer, R. Goodfellow, Peter Goodwin, Peter Grace, Gerry Grimando, Scott Guaynas, Peter Gudynas, Peter Gudynes, Peter Gutierrez, Alan Haberfield, Bob Hamagami, John Hamilton, Todd Cameron Harman, Dominic HarperCollins Harries, Steve Harris, Chris Harris, John Harris, John (with Carol Russo Design) Harrison, Mark Hay, Colin Heath, Mike Hefferman, Phil Heffernan, Phil Heffernan, Phil (with Tim White) Hellal, Daphne (with Tony) Helpern, Lauren (with David Gallo) Herring, Michael Hickman, Stephen Higgins, John Houten, Michael Van Houten, Mick van Hughes, Stuart Hunt, Steven (with Image Bank) Hunter, Stuart Images, Arcangel (with Getty Images) Images, Getty (with Arcangel Images) Images, Getty (with TWBG: Peter Cotton) Images, Jupiter Inc, Bantam Books Inc, The Chopping Block Inc, The Chopping Block (with Carol Russo Design) Inc, Uniphoto (with Paul Dinnocenzo and Carl D. Galian) Inc. (with The Chopping Block) Inc., Bantam Books Inc., Steve Stone / Bernstein & Andriulli j.vita (with Cameron Redwine) Jackson, Dennis Jainschigg, Nicholas Jankauski, Kevin Jaramillo, Raquel Jaramillo, Raquell Jeans, Lionel Jenkins, Kevin Jensen, Bruce Jensen, Vuce Jenson, Bruce Johnson, Lynn (with Henri Silberman and Joseph Barrak) Jones, Jaime Jones, Peter Keenan, Jamie P. Kidd, Tom Komark, Michael LBBG, Ceara Elliot LBBG, Nick Taylor - (with Getty) Lee, Pam Lee, Victor (with Don Puckey) Library, CNRE/Science Photo Library, Science Photo Library, Special Photographers Lieberman, Ron Lloyd, Julia Lundgren, Carl Lundgren, Ray Lundgren, Ray (with Matt Stawicki) MacLeod, Lee Magee, Joe Mariano, Michael Marsh, Gary Martiniere, Stephan Martiniere, Stephen Martiniere, Steven (with Howard Grossman/12E Design) Maruca, Francisco Mattingly, David Mattingly, DAvid Mattingly, David Mattingly, David B. Mauro, Tony McGovern, Tara McKie, Angus McPheeters, Neal McQuarrie, Ralph Melvyn Miller, Ian Mooney, Stephanie Moore, Chis Moore, Chris Moore, Chris (with Don Puckey) Moore, Chris (with Judy Morello) Moore, Chris (with Richard Carr) Morello, Judy (with Chris Moore) Morrissey, Dean Morton, A. Murphy, Kevin Nakamura/Photonica, Syusuke (with Heidi North) Natale, Vince Nielsen, Cliff North, Heidi (with Syusuke Nakamura/Photonica) NY (with Drive Communications) O'Connor, David Orbit Palencar, John Jude Palencar, John Jude (with Don Puckey) Panchatz, Don Panopinto, Lauren Parkinson, Keith Partners, Chris Moore/Artist Pastor, Terry Pelham, David Pennington, Bruce Pepper, Bob Perry, David (with April Brams) Photodisc Photonica Phototone (with John Shlesinger/Swanstock and Evan Gaffney) Picturepoint, Topham Player, Stephen Pollack, Allan Porter, J. K. Posen, Mick Posen, Mike (with Don Puckey) Posth, Jan Erik Price, Larry Pucjey, Don (with Jim Burns and Jesse Sanchez) Puckey, Don (with Barclay Shaw) Puckey, Don (with Carol Russo) Puckey, Don (with Chris Moore) Puckey, Don (with Diane Dillon and Leo Dillon) Puckey, Don (with Don Dixon) Puckey, Don (with Donato) Puckey, Don (with Elaine A. Cardella) Puckey, Don (with Jim Burns) Puckey, Don (with Jim Burns and Carol Russo) Puckey, Don (with John Blackford) Puckey, Don (with John Jude Palencar) Puckey, Don (with Micheal Whelan) Puckey, Don (with Mike Posen) Puckey, Don (with Rob Santora) Puckey, Don (with Steve Youll) Puckey, Don (with Victor Lee) Pummell, Simon Pyle, Liz Rawlings, Steve Rawlings, Steve (with Debut Art) Redwine, Cameron (with j.vita) Rheaume, John Rheinhard./.t, David S. Rheinhardt, David S. ridgewaydesign.com Rieniets, Judy King Riley, Frank Roberts, Anthony Roberts, Neil Roberts, Tony rockitgirlgraphics, kisaya myles - (with royko) Rodgers, Nick Rogers, Nick Rostani, Larry Rostant, Larry Rowena royko (with kisaya myles - rockitgirlgraphics) Royo, Luis Ruddell, Gary Russo, Carol Russo, Carol (with Don Puckey) Russo, Carol (with Don Puckey and Jim Burns) Sail Salwowski, Mark Sanchez, Jesse (with Don Pucjey and Jim Burns) Santora, Rob (with Don Puckey) Sautern, Robert Scanlon, Peter Schoenherr, John Sedgwick, Martha E. Seeley, David Selman, Larry Sequin, Ken Shapero, Hannah M. G. Shaw, Barclay Shaw, Barclay (with Don Puckey) Shleinkofer, David Shlesinger/Swanstock, John (with Evan Gaffney and Phototone) Shusei Shutterstock Shutterstock, Lauren Panepinto / Shuttlestock Silberman, Henri (with Lynn Johnson and Joseph Barrak) Smollin, Mark Snow, George Sonar Sormanti, Carla Splash Splash (with Roy Birgo) Stabin, Victor Stawicki, Matt Stawicki, Matt (with Annette Fiore) Stawicki, Matt (with Ray Lundgren) Steadman, Broeck Stephens, John Sternback, Rick Stimpson, Tom Stone, Getty Images Stone, Steve Struthers, Doug Studio, Charles Brook/FaceOut Superstock Sweet, Darrell Sweet, Darrell K. Targete, Jean Pierre Targette, Jean Pierre Taylor, Geoff Thiesen, Jum Tinkelman, Murray Tony (with Daphne Hellal) Turner, Pat Turner, Patrick Tweddell, Kevin Underwood, George Uretsky, Jan (with Shelley Eshkar) Utretsky/Eshkar Valejo, Boris Vallejo, Boris Vallejo, Boris (with Carol Russo Design) Vanderstelt, Jerry Vellejo, Boris Walker, Jeffrey Walotsky, Ron Warhola, James Warner, Bob Warner, Bob (with Rita Frangie) Whelan, Michael Whelan, Micheal (with Don Puckey) White, Craig White, Tim White, Tim (with Phil Heffernan) Williamsen, Joe Williamson, Joe Willock, Harry Wilson, Graham Wright, Paul Yamazaki, Masakatsu York, Drive Communications New Youll, Paul Youll, Stephen Youll, Steve (with Don Puckey) Youll, Steven Young, Paul